📖 Introduction

Apply online now at Anhui International Studies University, Hefei, China for 2022 intake. Info of admissions for international students, scholarships, and more.

🏫 About Anhui International Studies University (AISU)

Anhui International Studies University is a provincial private full-time general undergraduate college featuring foreign language and literature education. It is the only undergraduate foreign language college in the central region. Founded in 2002, the school was formerly known as Anhui Foreign Languages Vocational and Technical College. In April 2011, it was upgraded to a general undergraduate college with the approval of the Ministry of Education. In 2021, it passed the qualification assessment for undergraduate teaching work of the Ministry of Education. The school is located in the Zipeng Mountain Scenic Area, a national 4A-level tourist attraction. The natural atmosphere of the campus is surrounded by mountains and rivers and the European-style architectural style is integrated, highlighting the unity of environment and humanities. It is a modern garden-style school. The school has 10 colleges including Western Language College, Oriental Language College, International Business College, International Tourism College, International Economics College, Literature and Art Media College, Information and Mathematics College, English Language College, Marxism College, Physical Education Department and other 10 colleges ( Department). There are 35 undergraduate majors, covering 4 disciplines of literature, economics, management, and art. Among them, there are 11 foreign language and literature majors, involving 9 foreign languages. It is the university with the most foreign languages in Anhui Province. The school currently has 65 experimental (training) rooms of various types, 2 provincial experimental teaching demonstration centers, 2,268 teaching computers, 18.8 teaching computers for 100 students, 18,660 multimedia classrooms and voice lab seats, and 100 students. It has 155 seats for multimedia classrooms and speech labs. The construction of laboratories such as the school's financial experiment center, economic management comprehensive laboratory, simultaneous interpretation laboratory, art design laboratory, and oral examination laboratory center has reached the advanced level in the province. The laboratory and its facilities can basically meet the needs of undergraduate experimental teaching. The school pays attention to the sharing of experimental teaching resources, actively promotes the opening of laboratories, improves the utilization rate of instruments and equipment, and effectively uses the training venues on campus. The school adheres to the strategy of "establishing the school with teachers and strengthening the school with talents". There are currently 639 full-time teachers, including 253 with senior professional titles, accounting for 39.6% of the total number of full-time teachers. There are 16 foreign teachers and 12,141 students in the school. Since its establishment, the school has sent more than 30,000 graduates to the front lines of production, management and service. The school actively promotes school-government, inter-school, school-enterprise, and school-institution cooperation. At present, it has established 16 industry-university-research cooperation education bases with employers, 96 off-campus practice bases, and 121 relatively stable employment units. Central financial support There are 1 "Modern Logistics Management Training Base", 2 "Provincial-level Experimental Teaching Demonstration Centers", 1 "Provincial-level College Students Entrepreneurship Incubation Base", and 1 "Municipal College Students' Entrepreneurship Incubation Base". A total of 49 projects have been settled in the college students' entrepreneurial incubation bases on campus. In November 2016, it won the "National Private Colleges and Universities Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education and Culture Construction Award". The school actively provides foreign language translation and volunteer services for foreign affairs activities and international conferences organized by local governments or enterprises and institutions. Pay attention to cultural inheritance and innovation, combine education and service, and actively integrate local culture, especially red culture, into campus cultural activities. The school actively utilizes relevant resources, forms a corresponding research team, conducts research on characteristic culture, and strives to organically integrate traditional culture with local culture and red culture, and combine education with local cultural inheritance and innovation. The school has successively cooperated with universities in Japan, South Korea, Australia, the United States, Spain, Thailand, Malta, Russia and other countries. The school has established a study abroad service center to provide students with study abroad consulting and related services, and actively encourage students to "go abroad" to broaden their international horizons. In recent years, the school has adhered to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, not forgetting the original intention of educating people for the party, and keeping in mind the mission of cultivating talents for the country. Always adhere to the school-running philosophy of "cultivating people by virtue, life-oriented, quality first, and serving the society", adhere to the school-running orientation of "based on Anhui, serving local economic construction and social development", adhering to the "learning and Chinese-foreign, integrating knowledge and action" "The school motto is rooted in the land of Jianghuai to run education, highlight the school-running orientation of cultivating applied talents, gradually improve the internal quality monitoring and guarantee system, and form a long-term mechanism to continuously improve the quality of teaching. "Keep students busy, teachers become stronger, and management is strict It will take 5-10 years to build Anhui University of Foreign Languages into a high-level application-oriented private undergraduate university with a certain influence inside and outside the province and obvious advantages in foreign languages, and make due contributions to the economic and social development of Anhui. Show less
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🏠 Accommodation

You will need to book the accommodation after you have been accepted.

You can choose to live on campus or off campus in private accommodation.

How to book:

  • Make a booking online after you have been accepted (in this case please let us know your choice when you apply).
  • Register when you arrive - its not possible to reserve a room before arriving. You can arrive a few days before and book it

📬 Admissions Process

31 Days

Av. Processing Speed

3 Steps to Apply to a Chinese University

Application step 1

Application step 2

Application step 3

Please choose the programs here , "You are advised to select 2-3 programs to increase your chances of getting accepted.

Required documents:

  • Passport
  • Graduation certificate
  • Passport size photo

Preparing documents:

You can start your application now and send the application documents during your application. Some documents you can send later if you don’t have them right away. Some more info about preparing application documents is here

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Application process:

Applying Online is simple in just a few steps. More information is available here.

The first steps are to choose the programs, pay the application fee and upload the application documents.

Once submitted to China Admissions, we will review your application within 2-3 days and proceed to the university or ask you for further clarification

After it has been processed to the university you will receive your unique application ID from each university.

The university may contact you directly for further questions.

We will then follow up each week with the university for updates. As soon as there is any update we will let you know. If you have made other plans, decide to withdraw / change address at any time please let us know.

After you have been accepted you will receive your admissions letter electronically and asked to pay the non-refundable deposit to the university.

Once you have paid the deposit the university will issue you the admissions letter and visa form to your home country.

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Here is some more information about the enrollment process after you have been accepted.

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