📖 Introduction

China West Normal University is a provincial public normal university featuring teachers education and training located in Nanchong, Sichuan, China.

The university was originally established in 1946. It now has 30,343 students.

🏫 About China West Normal University (CWNU)

West China Normal University is a key university in Sichuan Province. The school was founded in 1946 and originated from the National Northeastern University during the Anti-Japanese War. In the early days of the Anti-Japanese War, Northeastern University moved to Santai County, Sichuan Province to run a school. After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Northeastern University moved back to Shenyang. With the initiative of people of insight in northern Sichuan and the support of Shiyanchang in the thirty-six counties in northern Sichuan, the private Sichuan North Agricultural and Industrial College was established on the original site of Santai by relying on the Sichuan teachers and students of Northeastern University. In 1949, the private Sichuan North Agricultural and Industrial College and the Xishan Academy founded by the famous Mohist expert Mr. Wu Feibai jointly established the private Sichuan North University. In 1950, the school moved to Nanchong City and merged with Sichuan North College of Literature to form the public Sichuan North University. In 1952, the school merged with Sichuan East Education College (formerly Rural Construction College), Sichuan University and West China University and other colleges and universities to form Sichuan Normal University. In 1956, the school was divided into two parts. The part that remained in Nanchong was renamed Nanchong Teachers College. In 1958, it was upgraded to Nanchong Teachers College. In 1989, the school name of "Sichuan Teachers College" was restored. In 2003, it was renamed Xihua Normal University. The school motto of "diligence, truth-seeking, dedication and innovation". The school has high quality personnel training and good social reputation. There are more than 30,000 full-time undergraduate students, postgraduate students and international students. The school undertakes more than 400 national-level “undergraduate teaching quality and teaching reform projects” and more than 800 provincial-level projects: including 7 national-level specialty majors, 5 national-level first-class undergraduate professional construction sites, and 2 first-class undergraduate courses. 1 national-level teaching team, 2 provincial-level ideological and political teaching teams, 1 national-level excellent course, 1 national-level excellent agricultural and forestry talent training plan, 1 national-level excellent news talent training plan, and a national professional comprehensive reform project 1 1 national-level “13th Five-Year” planning textbook, 1 national high-quality video open course, 366 national-level college students’ innovation and entrepreneurship training programs; 73 Ministry of Education industry-university collaborative education projects, and won national and provincial There are 77 national-level education and teaching achievement awards, including 2 second-class national-level teaching achievement awards. Over the past 70 years, it has cultivated nearly 350,000 talents of all levels and types for the society. They have worked diligently in their respective positions and made important contributions to economic and social development. The school has a beautiful environment and perfect teaching infrastructure. The school has two campuses, Beihu and Huafeng, covering an area of more than 3,000 acres, with a school building area of more than 1 million square meters, a green area of more than 700,000 square meters, and a sports field area of more than 100,000 square meters. The library is a key protection unit of ancient books in Sichuan Province. It has more than 3 million paper books, more than 4 million electronic books, 75 Chinese and foreign databases, and collects more than 5,600 kinds of ancient books and more than 74,000 volumes. The library is open to the public for free reading.

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🏠 Accommodation

You will need to book the accommodation after you have been accepted.

You can choose to live on campus or off campus in private accommodation.

How to book:

  • Make a booking online after you have been accepted (in this case please let us know your choice when you apply).
  • Register when you arrive - its not possible to reserve a room before arriving. You can arrive a few days before and book it

📬 Admissions Process

31 Days

Av. Processing Speed

3 Steps to Apply to a Chinese University

Application step 1

Application step 2

Application step 3

Please choose the programs here , "You are advised to select 2-3 programs to increase your chances of getting accepted.

Required documents:

  • Passport
  • Graduation certificate
  • Passport size photo

Preparing documents:

You can start your application now and send the application documents during your application. Some documents you can send later if you don’t have them right away. Some more info about preparing application documents is here

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Application process:

Applying Online is simple in just a few steps. More information is available here.

The first steps are to choose the programs, pay the application fee and upload the application documents.

Once submitted to China Admissions, we will review your application within 2-3 days and proceed to the university or ask you for further clarification

After it has been processed to the university you will receive your unique application ID from each university.

The university may contact you directly for further questions.

We will then follow up each week with the university for updates. As soon as there is any update we will let you know. If you have made other plans, decide to withdraw / change address at any time please let us know.

After you have been accepted you will receive your admissions letter electronically and asked to pay the non-refundable deposit to the university.

Once you have paid the deposit the university will issue you the admissions letter and visa form to your home country.

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Here is some more information about the enrollment process after you have been accepted.

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