📖 Introduction

Nanjing Forestry University (NFU) is a public university located in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China. Established in 1902, the university has a rich history and a strong focus on forestry and related disciplines. As a comprehensive institution, NFU offers a range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs across various fields, including forestry, engineering, environmental science, and management.

Known for its expertise in forestry and environmental sciences, Nanjing Forestry University is dedicated to research, education, and practical applications that contribute to sustainable development and environmental conservation. The university has made significant strides in advancing knowledge in forestry, ecology, and related areas, earning recognition both nationally and internationally. While specific global rankings may vary, NFU is esteemed for its commitment to environmental stewardship and its contributions to the fields of forestry and natural resource management.

🏫 About Nanjing Forestry University (NJFU)

Nanjing Forestry University is located at the foothills of the beautiful Zijin Mountain and by the rippling Xuanwu Lake. It is a provincial key university jointly established by the central and local governments, and one of the first batch of “double first-class” universities in the country. The predecessor of the school was the Forestry Department of Central University (founded in 1902) and the Forestry Department of Jinling University (founded in 1910). In 1955, the Department of Forestry of Huazhong Agricultural College (the merger of Wuhan University, Nanchang University and the Department of Forestry of Hubei Agricultural College) was merged. In 1972, it was renamed Nanjing Forestry Industry College. For a long time, Nanjing Forestry University has been adhering to the spirit of the school motto of "honesty and majesty, trees cultivate people", and promotes the excellent school spirit of "unity, simplicity, diligence and enterprising", with the grand goal of realizing "the Yellow River's clear water, the red land turning into green mountains", and the cultivation of socialism. Builders and successors are the fundamental tasks. They keep walking and ploughing. They have now developed into a company with the advantages of forestry and the construction of national ecological civilization. It is a high-level university with distinctive features and coordinated development of multiple disciplines such as art. The school actively adapts to the needs of social and economic development, and constantly adjusts and optimizes the professional structure of the college. Now there are the School of Forestry, School of Materials Science and Engineering, School of Chemical Engineering, School of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, School of Civil Engineering, School of Economics and Management, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Information Science and Technology, School of Landscape Architecture, School of Science, School of Foreign Languages, School of Art School of Design, School of Home and Industrial Design, School of Light Industry and Food, School of Automotive and Transportation Engineering, School of Biology and Environment, Graduate School, School of Continuing Education (School of Applied Technology), School of International Education, School of Marxism, Ministry of Physical Education, etc. 21 colleges (departments). The school has strong academic strength, complete disciplines, and distinctive school-running characteristics. There are 8 post-doctoral mobile stations, 8 first-level disciplines authorized to authorize doctoral degrees, 26 first-level disciplines authorized to authorize master's degrees, and 19 categories of professional master's degrees. Existing engineering, plant and animal science, agricultural science, materials science, chemistry, environment and ecology and biology and biochemistry 7 ESI global institutional disciplines ranked in the top 1%, forestry engineering 1 national first-class discipline, forestry engineering, ecology 2 national key disciplines of first-level disciplines, 4 national key disciplines of second-level disciplines including forest genetics and breeding, chemical processing engineering of forest products, wood science and technology, and forest conservation, 1 national key discipline cultivation site of first-level disciplines in Jiangsu Province, 5 There are 1 advantageous disciplines in Jiangsu universities, 9 key disciplines of the State Forestry and Grassland Administration (including cultivation), and 6 first-level disciplines in Jiangsu Province (including cultivation). The number of national key disciplines ranks among the top universities in Jiangsu Province. In the fourth round of national subject evaluation, two "A+" (forestry engineering, forestry) and one "A-" (landscape architecture) were obtained, and the number of A+ subjects ranked among national forestry colleges and universities in Jiangsu Province. First. The school recruits students nationwide. There are 70 undergraduate majors currently set up and enrolled, including 21 national-level first-class undergraduate major construction sites, 6 national-level characteristic major construction sites, 10 provincial-level first-class undergraduate major construction sites, and provincial-level brands. 18 featured majors. It has 1 national-level talent training model innovation experimental area, 1 provincial-level talent training model innovation experimental base, 1 national-level excellent teaching team, 1 national-level ideological and political teaching teacher and teaching team, and 2 provincial-level excellent teaching teams. Piece. There are 6 national-level high-quality open courses, 1 national-level ideological and political demonstration course, 16 national-level first-class undergraduate courses (including 7 first-class courses in virtual simulation experiment teaching), 41 provincial-level first-class undergraduate courses, and provincial-level excellent ( Excellent) 30 courses and course groups, 23 provincial-level online open courses, and 39 provincial-level online open courses for rural revitalization. The school currently has 2 national-level experimental teaching demonstration centers, 18 provincial-level experimental teaching demonstration centers and practical education centers, 2 national-level virtual simulation centers, and 1 national-level off-campus practice base for college students. The College of Intelligent Manufacturing Industry has been approved as "Key Industry College of Jiangsu Province", 3 "New Agricultural Science Research and Reform Practice Projects of the Ministry of Education", 1 "Second Batch of New Engineering Research and Practice Projects of the Ministry of Education", and "First Batch of New Agricultural Science Research and Practice Projects of the Ministry of Education". 3 provincial key cultivation projects for new liberal arts research and reform practice in Jiangsu universities. Forestry majors (forestry, gardening, forest protection) and forestry engineering majors (forest chemical industry, wood science and engineering, forest engineering) were selected as the first batch of reform pilot projects for the education and training plan for outstanding agricultural and forestry talents by the Ministry of Education. Since 1991, it has won 1 first prize and 10 second prizes for national teaching achievements, 2 special prizes for provincial teaching achievements, 14 first prizes and 20 second prizes. In 2010, one doctoral dissertation was awarded as one of the 100 National Excellent Doctoral Dissertations. Approved as the National College Graduate Employability Training Base of the Ministry of Education, and the Jiangsu Province College Student Career Education Demonstration Base; in the China International "Internet +" College Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, our school won 5 national gold awards, 2 silver awards, and bronze awards. 8 awards. Won the "National Graduate Employment Typical Experience College of the Ministry of Education", "National Innovation and Entrepreneurship Typical Experience College of the Ministry of Education", "China International 'Internet +' College Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition Youth Red Dream Tour Track College Collective Award", "Jiangsu Province Teaching" Honorary titles such as "Advanced Colleges and Universities for Work" and "Jiangsu Province Language and Character Standardization Demonstration School". There are more than 30,000 full-time students of various types, including more than 7,500 doctoral and master students. Nanjing Forestry University is one of the first universities in the country to have the overall right to confer doctoral and master's degrees. The school has a high-quality teaching staff, with more than 2,330 faculty members, including more than 1,602 full-time teachers, 181 doctoral supervisors, and 954 senior titles. The school currently has 2 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, 9 double-appointed and specially-appointed domestic and foreign academicians, more than 20 other national-level talents, and more than 110 experts who enjoy special government allowances from the State Council; there are 4 first-level chief scientists of the "333 Project" in Jiangsu Province, There are 6 provincial and ministerial-level teaching teachers, 14 provincial and ministerial-level young and middle-aged experts with outstanding contributions, and more than 421 provincial-level talent programs such as the second and third levels of the provincial "333 Project", "Blue Project" and "Six Peaks". ; There are 15 provincial innovation teams such as Jiangsu Province Science and Technology Innovation Team and "Qinglan Project". The school gives full play to the advantages of forestry, serves the construction of national ecological civilization and the high-quality development of forestry, and strives to build an innovation chain of basic research, application development, and achievement transfer and transformation, and has made remarkable achievements in scientific research, scientific and technological innovation, and social services. The school currently has a National Engineering Center for Biomass Materials for Mechanical and Electrical Product Packaging, a Key Laboratory of Forest Genetics and Biotechnology of the Ministry of Education, an International Innovation Highland jointly built by the Ministry of Forestry Chemistry and Materials, a Collaborative Innovation Center jointly built by the Ministry of Southern Modern Forestry, and a National Wood More than 10 national-level innovation platforms such as the Bamboo Industry Technology Innovation Strategic Alliance and the National Osmanthus Germplasm Resource Bank have been approved by the Jiangsu Provincial Key Laboratory of Poplar Germplasm Innovation and Variety Improvement, the Special Economic Tree Species Cultivation and Utilization Engineering Technology Research Center, and the Harmful Biological Invasion Prevention and Control Engineering Center, Fast-growing Wood and Crop Straw Materials Engineering Technology Research Center, Ornamental Theme Woody Flower Industry Technology Innovation Strategic Alliance, Collaborative Innovation Center for Efficient Processing and Utilization of Forest Resources, Featured Fruit Tree Industry Technology System and State Forestry and Grassland Administration More than 50 provincial and ministerial-level innovation platforms, including the Southern Forest Tree Seed Inspection Center, the Forest Heritage and Forest Environmental History Research Center, and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Policy and Reform Cooperation Research Base, have established more than 60 schools including the Institute of Ecological Civilization Construction and Forestry Development with Chinese Characteristics level research institutions. During the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period, the school presided over more than 1,000 scientific research projects of various types every year, presided over 2 national key research and development plan projects, 25 projects, 308 projects from the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and 23 projects from the National Social Science Foundation; authorized invention patents 1211 42 provincial-level fine breeds were approved, and 33 national standards were formulated/revised. Over the years, more than 380 scientific and technological achievements of the school have won national, provincial and ministerial awards, including: 1 first prize and 2 second prizes of National Invention Award; 1 second prize of National Natural Science Award; National Science and Technology Progress Award 5 52 second and third prizes. 2 second prizes of the Ministry of Education's Higher Education Scientific Research Outstanding Achievement Award (Humanities and Social Sciences); the school sponsors and publishes the academic journals "Journal of Nanjing Forestry University (Natural Science Edition)", "Journal of Nanjing Forestry University (Humanities and Social Sciences Edition)" " Journal of Forestry Engineering and Interior Design and Decoration, and Journal of Bioresources and Bioproducts (JB& B) English publication. Among them, "Journal of Nanjing Forestry University (Natural Science Edition)" and "Journal of Forestry Engineering" are Chinese core journals, Chinese science and technology core journals, CSCD and SCD core journals, and "Journal of Nanjing Forestry University (Humanities and Social Sciences Edition)" is SCD core journals Journal, "Interior Design and Decoration" is the core journal of Chinese science and technology. "Journal of Nanjing Forestry University (Natural Science Edition)" was selected as the 2017-2020 "China Fine Science and Technology Journal (F5000 Source Journal)", and the JB&B English journal was included in many international databases. Focusing on national strategies such as ecological civilization construction, carbon neutralization, and rural revitalization, as well as the new Jiangsu construction requirements of “strong, rich, beautiful, and high”, the school has actively carried out policy theoretical research and decision-making consulting services. Up to now, the results of the think tank have been approved by national leaders4 More than 20 copies of provincial and ministerial-level leaders’ instructions, 8 were adopted and adopted by the State Office of the CPC Central Committee and provincial and ministerial-level policies; undertaken 2 decision-making consulting research projects of the State Council Research Office, 1 national high-end think tank project, and Jiangsu Provincial Government decision-making consulting 1 key research topic; more than ten research reports have been published in authoritative think tank publications; research results have won many important awards such as the Excellent Achievement Award of Soft Science Research on Rural Revitalization of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the Central Agricultural Office, and the first prize of Jiangsu Development Research Award. Organize the compilation, publication and release of my country's first ecological forestry blue book "Report on Ecological Civilization Construction and Forestry Development with Chinese Characteristics (2019-2020)". The release of the Blue Book of Ecological Forestry fills the gap in the evaluation method of ecological forestry development in my country, establishes a comprehensive development index system for ecological forestry, provides support and reference for ecological forestry policy formulation and academic research, and promotes the construction of ecological civilization in the new era to a new level. The school implements an international development strategy and actively carries out open school running and foreign exchanges and cooperation. It has successively established long-term academic research, teacher training and talent exchange and cooperation with more than 100 universities and scientific research institutions in more than 20 countries including the United States, Germany, Canada, the United Kingdom, Sweden, Russia, Japan, France, Italy, Finland, and Iran. . Up to now, our school has a total of 64 long-term overseas experts, about 200 teachers go abroad for exchanges every year, and about 300 foreign experts come to the school for exchange visits, scientific research cooperation, and lectures. In 2020, it was approved as the “Disciplinary Innovation Plan for Higher Education Institutions”; in the same year, our school was granted a certain right to examine and approve foreign affairs, becoming one of the first local universities in Jiangsu Province to obtain the right to independently examine and approve foreign affairs. The school actively explores the implementation of multi-mode and multi-level international talent training. Cooperated with Alabama A&M University to build a Confucius Institute; approved the China Scholarship Council's Rural Revitalization Talent Project, High-level International Talent Training Innovative Practice Project, Jiangsu University Students Overseas Study Government Scholarship, Overseas Internship Practice and other projects; The prestigious University of British Columbia (UBC University) in Canada jointly organized the "3+2" Sino-foreign cooperative education project approved by the Ministry of Education; with overseas universities such as the University of New Brunswick in Canada, RWTH Aachen University in Germany, and University of Strathclyde in the United Kingdom It has carried out various forms of joint training projects for talents; it has jointly carried out long-term and short-term credit mutual recognition visiting projects with overseas famous universities such as Oxford University, Cambridge University, MIT, and the University of California, Berkeley, and sends hundreds of students to go abroad for implementation every year. International training. The school actively expands the source of overseas students, and receives more than 700 foreign students every year to study or exchange visits. The school covers an area of 11,158.15 acres, of which the main campus in Xinzhuang covers an area of 1,257 acres, the Jurong Xiashu practice forest farm covers an area of 4,876 acres, the Huai’an campus covers an area of 1,327 acres (500 acres are currently built and used), and the Baima teaching and research base covers an area of 3,662 acres. (The new Baima campus covers an area of 2007 acres), and the Jiangning Engineering Training Center covers an area of 36.15 acres. The existing teaching and research equipment is worth 883 million yuan, and the library has more than 2.38 million paper documents and 4.3 million electronic books. The campus network uses gigabit bandwidth as the backbone, covering the whole school.

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  • 31,000 CNY / Year
    Start Date: Sep 2025
  • 31,000 CNY / Year
    Start Date: Sep 2025
  • 31,000 CNY / Year
    Start Date: Sep 2025
  • 31,000 CNY / Year
    Start Date: Sep 2025
  • 31,000 CNY / Year
    Start Date: Sep 2025
  • 🏠 Accommodation

    You will need to book the accommodation after you have been accepted.

    You can choose to live on campus or off campus in private accommodation.

    How to book:

    • Make a booking online after you have been accepted (in this case please let us know your choice when you apply).
    • Register when you arrive - its not possible to reserve a room before arriving. You can arrive a few days before and book it

    📬 Admissions Process

    3 Steps to Apply to a Chinese University

    Application step 1

    Application step 2

    Application step 3

    Please choose the programs here , "You are advised to select 2-3 programs to increase your chances of getting accepted.

    Required documents:

    • Passport
    • Graduation certificate
    • Passport size photo

    Preparing documents:

    You can start your application now and send the application documents during your application. Some documents you can send later if you don’t have them right away. Some more info about preparing application documents is here

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    Application process:

    Applying Online is simple in just a few steps. More information is available here.

    The first steps are to choose the programs, pay the application fee and upload the application documents.

    Once submitted to China Admissions, we will review your application within 2-3 days and proceed to the university or ask you for further clarification

    After it has been processed to the university you will receive your unique application ID from each university.

    The university may contact you directly for further questions.

    We will then follow up each week with the university for updates. As soon as there is any update we will let you know. If you have made other plans, decide to withdraw / change address at any time please let us know.

    After you have been accepted you will receive your admissions letter electronically and asked to pay the non-refundable deposit to the university.

    Once you have paid the deposit the university will issue you the admissions letter and visa form to your home country.

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    Here is some more information about the enrollment process after you have been accepted.

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